Company Profile     Business Locations     Milestones     JOLED Code of Conduct      Quality Policy     Safety Policy     Environment Policy


We develop the most advanced devices which provide new values and achieve a world full of excitement and emotion.


We, as passionate individuals, together with our customers and partners, create displays which project various “Worlds” ”Limitlessly” and expand business sustainably.

Company Profile

Company outline

Company Name JOLED Inc.
Start of Business January 5, 2015
Representative Representative Director & President Tadashi Ishibashi
Capital 5.1 billion JPY (capital reserve included)
Number of Employees Approx. 10
Business Domain JOLED conducts research, development, manufacturing, and sales activities for OLED displays.

Director & Chairman

Representative Director & President Tadashi Ishibashi
Outside Director Nobuyuki Higashi
Outside Director Li Ju
Outside Auditor Eiji Inoue

Executive Officers

President Tadashi Ishibashi

As of Jul. 1, 2024


Business Locations


Nippon Life Marunouchi Garden Tower 3F, 1-1-3 Marunouchi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 100-0005, Japan
TEL: +81-3-5280-1600

Directly Connected to Otemachi Station Exit D6. 7 min walk from JR Tokyo Station Marunouchi North Exit.

 Google Maps



  • Jan. 2015

    Established JOLED

  • Mar. 2015

    Developed 12.2 inch FHD OLED

  • Jan. 2016

    Developed 19.3 inch 4K OLED

    Developed 12.2 inch FHD flexible OLED
    Developed 11.9 inch FHD TAOS

  • Sep. 2016

    Started operation of G4.5 pilot line

  • Dec. 2017

    Started shipment of 21.6 inch 4K OLED – World’s first commercial shipment of 4K printed OLED

  • Dec. 2018

    Demonstrated at Finetech Japan 2018 21.6 inch 4K flexible OLED, 12.3 inch HD OLED, and 27 inch 4K OLED

  • Nov. 2019

    Started operation of world’s first mass production line for printed OLED

  • Jun. 2020

    Alliance with TCL CSOT for joint development of large OLED

  • Mar. 2021

    World’s first mass production of printed OLED

JOLED Code of Conduct


We have a spirit to think by ourselves, act by ourselves, and take our own responsibilities.
Each of us, being confident of self-control, contributes to the sustainable business expansion.

Mutual Respect

We respect the diversity and maximize each one’s strong point.
We always interact with open mind and on a straight forward basis.

Challenging Mindset and Persistence

”Challenge first!”, and always think of “What could I do now to challenge?”
”Never give up!”, and have guts to achieve the goals.

Marketing Perspective

Each of us anticipate the market needs down to the end-users, and have a spirit to create a new market by ourselves through series of new ideas.
We make decisions and act quickly at the most appropriate timing.


We sincerely observe laws and regulations, social norms and ethics.

Quality Policy

JJOLED put top priority on quality as its basic philosophy, through best people and technological capabilities, and will continue to provide new value, products and services based on customer’s perspective.

Safety Policy

JOLED will contribute to the realization of a safe and comfortable society by working to ensure a safe and comfortable workplace environment through efforts that “safety and health are the top priority” in all business activities.

Environment Policy

JOLED will continue to be a company striving to prevent environmental pollution while establishing an environmental management system that meets the requirements of environmental regulations of national and local governments.

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